Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for the 61st World Day of Prayer for Vocations - April 2024
Online Enrolment for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion 2024 - January 2024
Numbers Attending Mass October 2016
Over the first three weekends of October 2016 you might have noticed that a head count was being done.Thank you to our volunteer counters. This exercise was done in every parish throughout the diocese. The results for St Pius X are below.
Sat 8 Oct: 7 PM: 218
Sun 9 Oct: 9.30 AM: 322
11.30 AM 310
Total: 850
Sat 15 Oct: 7 PM: 200
Sun 16 Oct: 9.30 AM: 266
11.30 AM: 343
Total 809
Sat 22 Oct: 7 PM: 235
Sun 23 Oct: 9.30 AM: 221
11.30 AM: 351
Total: 807
Average Total over weekend: 822
St Pius X Adult Folk Group: New Members Needed
Congratulations to Denis O'Brien and Karen Donnelly who were married in St Pius X Church on the 21st September 2016. We wish them every blessing and happiness.
Celebration of Ministry
At some stage within the next six months, I would like to acknowledge and celebrate the work of volunteers in the parish. No parish could exist without the work of volunteers who give of their time and energy in all the various activities and ministries in the parish. It is my intention, having sought the advice of the Parish Pastoral Council, to mark the work of volunteers during one of the Saturday evening masses.
During the mass a presentation of a certificate of Appreciation would be given to those volunteers who have given 20 years or more of service and a Special Parish Medal would be given to those who have given 40 years or more. I am asking each group in the parish and individuals to identify the people with 20 years + and 40 years’ + service and to submit the names (along with contact details and stating whether it is the 20+ or 40+ years category) to me as soon as possible. It is hoped that this event would become an annual or bi-annual event.
Fr Aquinas
Church Radio Broadcast
In addition to our live TV internet broadcast from St Pius X Church, we also have a local radio broadcast facility. All our services are broadcast live by radio to the local area. Recently we upgraded to a new radio broadcast system so the quality is better. To access these broadcasts you will need a public band radio. It is advisable to get a digital radio and the channel is Channel 7. The Parish Office can order a radio for you if you have difficulty sourcing one.
Presentation to Bill Noonan
A presentation was made to Bill Noonan on 2 July 2016 to acknowldge his work in 1960 on the beautiful ceiling of St Pius X Church. At the time of the building of St. Pius X, Bill was doing some work for the firm of M. Creedon in Dublin that had the contract for the plaster work. Bill sculpted all the models in clay for the ceiling, the Apse wall, the capitals of the pillars etc. Casts were made and from these the plaster pieces were produced and replicated and copied in reverse as you see them throughout the Church today. Bill is also linked to our beautiful Stations of the Cross, which are copies (not his) of the originals in the Church in Aughrim St. Bill repaired the originals before they were copied for St. Pius X. See a brief biography about Bill and see also the photos of the presentation and ceiling.
New Permanent Deacons
Congratulations to the eight new permanent deacons who were ordained for service in the Archdiocese of Dublin on the 4th June 2016. The principal celebrant was Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. The new deacons are Jeremy Seligman, Dermot Mc Carthy, Padraic O' Sullivan, Thomas Groves, Damien Murphy, John O' Neill, Matthew Murphy and Thomas Larkin. As we give thanks to God for them, we also remember them in prayer as they begin their ministry.- See photo
St Pius X Video
A short video of the inside of St Pius X Church has been added to the website. View here.
Mass in B Minor
Bach: Mass in B Minor: Killian Farrell’s farewell concert with Jubilate Choir takes place in St Pius X Church on Sunday 19th June. See details.
Prayer for those doing exams
Lord, pour out your Spirit of wisdom
on all students doing exams at this time.
Help them to remain calm,
to attend carefully to the questions asked,
to think clearly, to remember accurately,
and to express themselves well.
Grant that they may reflect
the best of the work they have done,
and the best of the teaching
they have received.
When the results come out
may they be satisfied that
they did their best,
and may whatever path
they choose in life
bring them happiness.
May your love be upon
them O Lord as they place
all their trust in you. Amen
Future Planning for Our Parish
Dear Parishioner,
In November last, your Parish Pastoral Council distributed a newsletter regarding the future pastoral situation facing the Diocese as the number of priests reduce.
The Council wishes to explore the possibility of working more closely with other parishes who also wish to do so. To this end, we have advised Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of our interest in such a collaboration.
We invite you to an Information Meeting on Wednesday, 11th May in St. Mary's Room at 7.30 p.m.
The purpose of the meeting is to inform you of developments in recent months and to discuss forming a Working Group to bring work in this area forward.
With every good wish,
Yours sincerely,
Joe McDermott
Parish Pastoral Council
Happy Easter 2016
Happy Easter to all our parishioners and to all those who join us via the web, Twitter and live broadcasts.
This is also a special year for our country: 1916-2016 Centenary Celebrations of the Easter Rising.
Parish Statistics for 2015
Baptisms: 67
Weddings: 8
Confirmations: 115
Funerals: 56
Volunteer for the Dublin Diocesan Children’s Pilgrimage
Are you a young adult looking for a new challenge hoping to meet other likeminded people and help others at the same time? The Dublin Diocesan Children's Pilgrimage (DDCP) is inviting new volunteers to travel to Lourdes next Easter. Our 41st Annual Children's Pilgrimage to Lourdes takes place from Easter Monday 28th March to Saturday 2nd April 2016. Each year we bring up to 36 children from throughout the Dublin Diocese to visit Lourdes during 'children's week'. Each child is cared for on one-to-one basis by our helpers. Existing helpers come from all over Ireland and from a variety of backgrounds. The group has grown from strength to strength over the years but we always welcome new helpers. We are having an introductory meeting for potential new helpers on Monday 16th November in Holy Cross College, Clonliffe Road at 8.00 pm. If you think that you would enjoy this kind of experience and you'd like to learn more about our group we'd love to hear from you. Please contact the Secretary, Aileen McCusker at
Photo of Blessing of Foundation Stone 1958
Thank you to John White for a photograph taken on the day that the foundation stone for St Pius X Church was blessed by Archbishop John Charles McQuaid on the 9th November 1958. The photo shows the houses on College Drive. Click on the photo for a large version.
Numbers Attending Mass October 2015
Over the last three weekends you might have noticed that a head count was being done.Thank you to our volunteer counters. This exercise was done in every parish throughout the diocese. The results for St Pius X are below.
Sat 3 Oct: 7 PM: 223
Sun 4 Oct: 9.30 AM: 252
11.30 AM 380
Total: 855
Sat 10 Oct: 7 PM: 224
Sun 11 Oct: 9.30 AM: 250
11.30 AM: 413
Total 887
Sat 17 Oct: 7 PM: 196
Sun 18 Oct: 9.30 AM: 200
11.30 AM: 288
Total: 684
Average Total over weekend: 809
Children’s Liturgy Group
The Children’s Liturgy class is run every Sunday in term time during the 11.30 mass. It is held in St Marys room and is run by volunteers. The readings and Gospel for that day are discussed with the children in a way that they can understand. Unfortunately the number of volunteers has dropped so we urgently need more people to assist in the running of this class if it is to continue every Sunday. It only requires 1 Sunday per month during the 11.30 mass to supervise the class. If you would like to assist please give your name into the office or come to St Mary’s room after 11.30 mass on Sunday 27th Sept.
Congratulations to Kevin Duffin
A special word of thanks to our former Sacristan, Kevin Duffin, who gave 22 years of dedicated service to the parish and who retired a few months ago. A presentation was made to Kevin on Thursday 17th September 2015. (Photo below with Fr Aquinas Duffy). We wish Kevin every blessing on his retirement.
Saint Pius X Church, Templeogue, Dublin 6W
Children’s Choir
Would you like to join?
Open to all boys and girls from first to sixth class.
Rehearsals take place every Sunday in St. Mary's Room at 10:15.
The choir performs at the 11.30 family mass in Saint Pius X Church, usually every second Sunday and always at the “Do This In Memory” masses which form part of the preparation for First Holy Communion.
Learn new material, improve pitching, learn how to harmonise and have fun!
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin ordains two new priests in Archdiocese of Dublin
The Archdiocese of Dublin will have two new priests today as Archbishop Diarmuid Martin ordains Paul Glennon and Chris Derwin to the Diocesan priesthood. The ordinations take place on the Feast Day of St. Kevin, a patron saint of the Archdiocese.
In his homily at today’s ordination Mass, Archbishop Martin told both men “you received your faith at your baptism within that community of believers in Jesus Christ. The community of faith has nurtured you. Never forget that you would never have arrived at this day without the prayers of many. God’s people care for their priests and pray for their priests. You are and always will be indebted to that community of faith and you will exercise new ministry as service within that communion, just as you will receive support from the community in which you minster.”
Archbishop Martin added that being a priest “is not easy”. He said it is possible to become unsettled and anxious; it is possible to become cynical or resigned. However, he told them, “If you remain deeply in the love of Jesus your joy will be complete and your ministry will bring you deep contentment.”
Paul Glennon is originally from Dunmore in County Galway. A son of John and Mary Glennon, his parents, four bothers and four sisters will all join him as he is ordained in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral. Paul (41) studied mechanical engineering in GMIT Galway, Bolton Street and Paisley in Scotland. Following graduation he worked for three years in Manchester and later in Kilbeggan in Co Westmeath. He was in his 30’s before he began to explore a vocation to the priesthood. He took time out from his career to study in the Emmanuel Community School of Mission in Rome, living in the community and working on parish missions. He entered St. Patrick’s seminary in Maynooth in 2009 and as well as his studies in St. Patrick’s he also spent time in formation in two Dublin parishes.
Chris Derwin is from Milltown and Rathmines in Dublin. Aged 32, he will be the youngest priest in the Archdiocese of Dublin. A son of Rita and Christopher, he has three brothers and one sister. From a young age and for many years Chris was a carer for his grandmother and three uncles and still cares for one elderly uncle today. He studied in Dundrum College in Dublin and Leeson Street Institute of Education. He then embarked on a career as a barman, taking an apprenticeship in the trade. He worked in several well-known Dublin pubs including Graces in Rathmines, Tramco and Madigans. During this time he also volunteered in local youth projects. He said he had drifted from his faith in his early teens but returned to his local parish after the age of 16. However, he struggled with his vocation and says he immigrated to Manchester to work for a two year period in a bid to ignore the calling, this in fact had the opposite effect and he ended up joining St. Patrick’s ceremony in Maynooth in 2008.
Both men will be ordained by Archbishop Diarmuid Martin during the 11am Mass in St. Mary’s Pro Cathedral.
- See more at:
The Joy of the Gospel §264 (Pope Francis)
The primary reason for evangelising is the love of Jesus which we have received, the experience of salvation which urges us to ever greater love of him. What kind of love would not feel the need to speak of the beloved, to point him out, to make him known? If we do not feel an intense desire to share this love, we need to pray insistently that he will once more touch our hearts. We need to implore his grace daily, asking him to open our cold hearts and shake up our lukewarm and superficial existence. Standing before him with open hearts, letting him look at us, we see that gaze of love which Nathaniel glimpsed on the day when Jesus said to him: “I saw you under the fig tree” (Jn 1:48). How good it is to stand before a crucifix, or on our knees before the Blessed Sacrament, and simply to be in his presence! How much good it does us when he once more touches our lives and impels us to share his new life! What then happens is that “we speak of what we have seen and heard” (1 Jn 1:3). The best incentive for sharing the Gospel comes from contemplating it with love, lingering over its pages and reading it with the heart. If we approach it in this way, its beauty will amaze and constantly excite us. But if this is to come about, we need to recover a contemplative spirit which can help us to realize ever anew that we have been entrusted with a treasure which makes us more human and helps us to lead a new life. There is nothing more precious which we can give to others.
A Grandmother’s Prayer
Saint Anne, Grandma of Jesus,
I come to you in prayer.
I take our dear grandchildren
And put them in your care.
Watch over them and guide them,
Caress them with your love.
With help from Mary, Joseph and your
Grandson above.
When we cannot be with them
To show them right from wrong,
Please have your Guardian Angel
Comfort them in song.
From one Grandma to another,
Please take our precious jewels,
Teach them to be kind and true,
And live the golden rule.
You are the greatest Grandma,
You know how much we care,
St. Anne, I know you'll guard them.
That's this grandmother's prayer.
Vatican City, 28 April 2015 (VIS) – The Holy Father has appointed:
- Rev. Fr. Edward Mapunda as bishop of Singida (area 49,341, population 1,500,000, Catholics 238,307, priests 67, religious 437), Tanzania. The bishop-elect was born in Mango, Tanzania in 1964, and was ordained a priest in 1997. He holds a Master's degree in education from the University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania and has served as formator and subsequently vice-rector of the minor seminary of Singida. He is currently bursar and diocesan delegate for health.
Prayer for the Canonisation of Matt Talbot
Lord, in your servant, Matt Talbot you
have given us a wonderful example of
triumph over addiction, of devotion to
duty, and of lifelong reverence for the
Holy Sacrament. May his life of
prayer and penance give us courage
to take up our crosses and follow in the
footsteps of Our Lord and Saviour,
Jesus Christ.
Father, if it be your will that your
beloved servant should be glorified by
your Church, make known by your
heavenly favours the power he enjoys in
your sight. We ask this through the
same Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
(See Matt Talbot Website)
Dánta Ó mo Chroí is the new book of poems in the Irish language written by Mairead Tuohy Duffy (mother of Fr Aquinas Duffy). The book is available from the parish shop in St Pius X Church. More information on her poems is to be found on her website at